
Showing posts from October, 2019

3 Decoration Tips From Hamptons Style Home Builders in Melbourne

What is it that has made The Hamptons one of the most sought-after destination homes? It is design combined with a refined sense of functional aesthetics. According to  Hamptons style home builders in Melbourne ,  more and more prospective homeowners are looking forward to building Hampton-style homes. If you have one already on your mind, consider these expert decoration ideas. 1. Go Monochrome  A peculiar feature of Hamptons homes is their monochromatic interiors. It is no fauvist venturing. It invests in a neutral coastal colour scheme. The white walls are the hallmark of the Hamptons. If you find shades besides white, they will be creamy, sand and ivory. The aim is to replicate the chromatic contours of the sea. Therefore, while decorating, think about the colours you would expect when near the sea. You may include the likes of light navy and mellowed blues.  Hamptons style home designers in Melbourne  say that the focus should be on lighter colours to best e