Your Bathroom Could Be the Next Step in Home Revolution, Say Builders in Victoria 

It has often been said that the bathroom is where Man returns to his roots. However, apart from its purely functional objectives, home builders in Victoria will help you to jazz it up. Here’s how. 

1. Grey Is Good, Black Is Better 

Grey has traditionally been the quintessential bathroom model. It is set to change. With more and more designer home builders in Melbourne up and running for newer trends, black is the new grey. From light fixtures to mirrors, black is expected to take your bathroom to the next level. 

2. The Use of Technology 

The smart toilet is arguably the first thing that comes to mind. It includes the likes of automatic lid openers, built-in deodorisers, adjustable air-dryers, seat warmers, etc. According to various home builders in Victoria, other probable features include mini-fridges, smart showers and automatic sinks. You can also come across a built-in Bluetooth speaker system. 

3. The Resurgence of Wood Accents

It is intriguing to note that traditional wood accents are back with a bang. If you are looking to pair wooden accents with the likes of industrial tones and vintage shades, it is perfectly possible. Wood plays flawlessly into the hands of white, blue and green coloured bathrooms. Apart from that, as designer home builders in Melbourne contend, it also evokes the vibes of nature while you stand in the shower and feel your fatigue drip away with your favourite tunes on the Bluetooth speaker. 


The bathroom is an essential part of your house. Therefore, it deserves significant attention, functionally and aesthetically. Besides, it is worthwhile to note that a Bluetooth speaker, an automatic lid opener and a seat warmer are health-based models, not just fashion fads. 


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